
Welcome to Bigeyes Cinemas, an independent film production company nestled in the heart of Colombo, Sri Lanka. We are a team of passionate filmmakers, writers, and artists with a shared vision of creating impactful cinematic experiences that resonate with audiences globally. Our dedication to storytelling, diversity, and innovation drives us to produce films, short films, documentaries, animations, and graphic novels that captivate and inspire.

Our Expertise

At Bigeyes Cinemas, we take pride in our diverse and skilled team, which encompasses professionals in various aspects of filmmaking. From talented screenwriters who weave compelling narratives to experienced mentors who guide and nurture emerging talents, we work together to bring the magic of storytelling to life.

Our capabilities extend beyond the creative process, including script writing, script translations, as well as all aspects of production, post-production, subtitling, dubbing, sales, distribution, festival screening, festival distribution, and talent management. This end-to-end approach allows us to maintain creative control over our projects while ensuring a seamless and engaging viewing experience for our audiences.

Founder & Producer

Bavaneedha Loganathan

Bavaneedha Loganathan is a Producer and Filmmaker  from Colombo, Sri Lanka, known for her passionate interest in the issue of minority women and stateless children. Bavaneedha Loganathan is a Sri Lankan Next New Wave Young Filmmaker; she is a first Sri Lankan woman filmmaker coming from the minority Plantation Tamil community (Indian Diaspora). an AFiS current Student, as well as a Berlinale Talents 2020 alumna. In total, she has directed and produced 2 Short films, 5 Animated Motion Graphic Novels, and produced several documentaries. She has received multiple awards internationally and locally.

The Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) selected Bavaneedha to attend the workshop on “Film making as a tool to prevent sexual violence against women” at PSVI Film Festival 2018 at London. She was the first female filmmaker to represent Sri Lanka at Berlinale Talents 2020. Same year, she won the British Council’s Grant to create Motion Graphic Novels and Comic books. She also attended the Creative Producing & Pitching workshop at FiLM iNDEPENDENT Virtual workshop in 2021. Bavaneedha’s feature film project ‘46 Mondays’ was selected for West Meets East Dhaka International Screenplay Lab 2023. Her other feature project was selected for Qalambaaz Screenwriting Lab 2023 in Pakistan. She was selected to pursue the International Film Business Academy 2023 at Busan Asian Film School. Recently she participated and pitched her feature film project at Fantastic Film School 2023.

She has started her own film company “Big Eyes Cinemas''. It is an independent company whose works focus primarily on registering the voices of the minority community. The company aims to produce films, short films, documentaries, and graphic novels. In her films, she has created strong and emotionally deep female leads, representing minority communities. Despite a childhood of family violence and school violence, she is a Producer today and sets a powerful example for the affected minority community. She is a Producer who hopes to revive the war-ravaged Tamil film industry in Sri Lanka. She hopes to be a voice for the marginalised and powerless through her films.

Our History

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